Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Food labels what we really should know
Do we really know all about our food and how much bad things there are in the food you eat everyday.
The spaces colored pink are the ones with too much of one thing. Like for an example rice snaps have 10.6 of sugar but it should have under 10g of sugar in it. If the cereal has fruit it is fine to have up to 25g of sugar but nothing over. Rice snaps have no fruit so this cereal is really bad for you. Try not to eat too much sugar it is not good for you. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because if you skip it then the last time you ate was at dinner and that is a long time ago. Your body doesn't like to have your eating rates go high and then go empty and then high again it needs to be at the same level so that you don't get sick when you are older.
What cereals do you eat and do you check the labels
The best cereal's you can eat are
- Light and tasty
- Sanitarium Weet-bix
- Pams Weet-bix
If you can eat Weet-bix then eat them they are very good for you it dose matter what brand always check the labels if you don't want any sugar.
Monday, 30 March 2015
My Healthy Song About Nutrition
This is the lyrics for my song. My song is about nutrition and being healthy.
Be healthy everyday
Banana, peach and pear
5+ a day is knocking at my door
Eat Healthy everyday
To get big and strong
Brown rice is best
All day long
Sugar no, no, no
Be healthy everyday
Banana, peach and pear
5+ a day is knocking at my door
Friday, 27 March 2015
Main Star - Helping out at home
I help out at home so I emptied the dishwasher and some other things I tidied my room lots.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
The world would be a better place if everyone was like me:
- If everyone slept in their bed instead of in the lounge when we want to watch our fave show
- If everyone went to a different room when they need to fart.
- If everyone did not steal others food they bought.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
WALT: Use Data to find info about us
Captain underpants and the attack of the talking toilets
Tittle: Captain underpants and the attack of the talking toilets
Genre: Humor
Author: Dav Pickley
Captain underpants is back and in for another surprise the boys play around with Melvin's science project and they on accident make an army of evil talking toilets. The army tries to destroy the whole school and even eats the gym teacher. Captin underpants is back and ready to help the school. THis is a book that is so funny you are going to wet your pants.
This is my own choise it is my drawing of one of the tolets
Genre: Humor
Author: Dav Pickley
Captain underpants is back and in for another surprise the boys play around with Melvin's science project and they on accident make an army of evil talking toilets. The army tries to destroy the whole school and even eats the gym teacher. Captin underpants is back and ready to help the school. THis is a book that is so funny you are going to wet your pants.

The Magic Finger
Genre Humor
Author Roald Dahl
Oh No I see red
The magic finger is about a girl who has a magic power. She can tern people into what she is thinking but only when she is angry. She starts to see red and she can not control it.
The author of this book is Roald Dahl. The Genre is Humor. I think book is really good and it also stopped her neighbors from shooting ducks.

Link to activity
Fantastic Mr fox
Tittle: Fantastic Mr fox
Author: Roald Dahl
Genre: humor
Genre: humor
This book is really good it is about a fox and he is fantastic. He thinks of lots of planes after he is getting hunted buy the three farmers he has to dig a tunnel going under ground with his family. The three farmers are really mean to him they start digging all day and all night to try and kill them but they don't know what is his next plan.
You should read this book I loved it.
You should read this book I loved it.
Monday, 23 March 2015
The giraffe the pelly and me
Genre Humor
This is a great book by Roald Dahl. It is a good book about a giraffe, a pelican and a monkey. They are the new window cleaners but the little boy down the street wanted it to be a new lolly shop (The grub). His dad had told him that years ago it was a lolly shop. He trys to find out who are the people running this window cleaners.

Link to Business card
This is a great book by Roald Dahl. It is a good book about a giraffe, a pelican and a monkey. They are the new window cleaners but the little boy down the street wanted it to be a new lolly shop (The grub). His dad had told him that years ago it was a lolly shop. He trys to find out who are the people running this window cleaners.

Link to Business card
The twits
The Twits
Roald Dahl
This is my own activity
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Hanmer springs
on the weekend I went to hanmer springs it was fun we went up conical hill. I got to see my uncle who lives in Australia. we went on the rides at the hot pools it was amazing. We walked through Queen Marry hospital it was so creepy and in some of the room all there was were a chair so scary
here is a view at the to of conical hill

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