Thursday 27 August 2015

Ski Trip

On Wednesday the 26th of august the year 6, 7 and 8 went to porters to go skiing. I went skiing it was so much fun I was in Holly's car and we were listening to lots of music. We left school at around 7.15 and got there at around 8.30. As soon as we got there we got changed into our ski gear. I have ski gear that was from when I went last witch was about 2 years ago and they were my sisters because my ones are too small.

 I had so much fun because I went on the pommer after lunch. I had started on the magic carpet. I was a beginner because I have been skiing a few times before but did not want to start on the pommer that is a bit steeper.

 I had a lesson and he showed us how to do some things that I already new. The part that I did not like was this when I left my skis next to my friends and then I had lunch and came back and they were not their so we went down to the ski shop and got more and when we came back holly's were gone so we had to go back again and get more then we could start skiing.

 Image result for skiingImage result for skis

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate
    Ski trip looks fun I would love to go next year but my mum would not let me because she is sceared I might hert myself
    How did you go?
    Bye for now Heidi.P


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