WALT: Create a bare bones plan
- Boy at campfire cooking marshmallows
- Something behind him
- Boy looks behind him nothing there
- Boy goes inside
- Mum tells him to go to bed
- Boy tells mum about the thing. Mum doesn't believe.
- Boy asleep hears a noise
- Looks out window sees the thing
- The thing makes the boy obey him
- Boy goes with the thing into the forest
- The boy finds out the thing is a dragon
- the dragon can talk to the boy
- The boys dad finds the boy and the dragon and tries to get the dragon
- The boy tells the dad its OK and that the dragon is nice
- The dad dose not listen and boy has to show him that its nice
- dad under stands and lets the dragon go
- The dragon is now the pet of the man and boy

Hey kate wow that is so descriptive i always love the endings of cartoon book do you? I really like this blog post i also like the picture because my favourite colour is purple